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Qigong Meditation Healing: Qigong Self Healing with Maggie

It is believed that all physical disease is caused by the inefficient flow of qi around the meridian system. This may be influenced by genetic disposition, stress, unhealthy environments as well as a myriad of other factors. When we exposed to an unhealthy environment, after a time, the weakest part of our meridian system collapses first. The organs that are connected to this particular meridian start to malfunction. Even with the assistance of modern medicine it can be a challenge in this day and age for us to regain optimum health after experiencing disease. Ideally, to remain in a prime state of health, we need to release the stress and toxins that have built up at the end of each day. Who, in reality, is able to do this?

Qi meditation self-healing with Maggie focuses on improving both the mental and physical aspects of the body. The meridian system has yet to be recognized and accepted by established Western medical practice. Modalities such as acupuncture and qi healing, have, however been accepted as legitimate healing practices, these use the meridian system, and are welcomed as they are not invasive and have been proven to treat a variety of mental and physical ailments. Using qi will increase your overall well-being and assist your body in its ability to heal itself.

Generally, two methods are used; the first is for a healer to work on healing a patient, secondly qi practitioners can harness the energy to use on themselves through qi meditation. The aim of qi self-meditation healing with Maggie is for the practitioners to become the healers of their own body and mind.

What is the relationship between qi and disease? If you view disease and its cause as originating in dark damp environments, Qi energy serves as the sunlight to kill these germs. That is to say, disease is present only where the meridians are blocked. When the particular meridian is opened and strengthened, the disease vanishes like germs under the sun. Along with this is the added benefit that once the meridian system is cleared and strengthened, it is better able to fight off diseases than before, your chakras will also be strengthened, as an added bonus.